08/06/23 21:26
The Volla team is looking for a customer service employee part-time as a mini-job for our Volla bar at our location in Remscheid. You are enthusiastic about the world of smartphones? How to set up the mobile all-rounders is a matter of course for you? You enjoy helping others and answering their questions in a simple and understandable way? Then we need you in the Volla team at the Volla bar. Applications from students are welcome.
Read More…Tags: Customer care,Customer consulting,Volla Bar
23/12/22 10:00
The Volla team is looking for an Embedded Software Developer for Mobile Linux Operating Systems, part-time for 3 years starting February 2023 as part of a research project. In a consortium of universities, a foundation and companies we are working on the next mobile base operating system.
Read More…Tags: Ubuntu Touch,Volla OS,Developer,Virtualization,Research,Hardware Adaption
08/12/21 18:56
The Volla team is looking for a Marketing and Social Media Associate starting January 2022. Marketing and Social Media Associate part-time for our activities with and for interested parties, users, developers and partners of Volla products. New media and communication is your world? Are you as enthusiastic about technology as you are questioning it? Digital self-determination is a concern you can identify with? Then you'll fit right in with the Volla team.
Read More…Tags: Social Media,Marketing
30/09/20 12:18
We are looking for employees to strengthen the Volla team: One
employee for our customer communication and one
freelance software developer who would like to participate in the maintenance and further development of the Volla OS or Ubuntu Touch for the Volla Phone.
Read More…Tags: Software Developer,Customer Relations,AOSP,Ubuntu Touch