StartPage competition
26/01/24 18:12 Filed in:
EventsAnonymous search. Unbiased search results. With our partner
Startpage, we were able to offer this search experience with the first Volla Phone, integrated in Springboard. This is a reason to celebrate. That's why we're offering all StartPage users the chance to win a white Volla Phone 22 with Volla or Ubuntu Touch.

On a Volla Phone with Volla OS, users can start an Internet search directly from the Start app, the springboard, and jump into the privacy-friendly Fennec browser. The Fennec browser itself also offers Startpage as a search engine. A tip: Fennec also offers the special feature of installing extensions (add-ins), for example to block advertising and trackers.
It is no secret that Google and Bing create profiles for search behavior or apply user profiles created by tracking the pages visited. As a result, search results are adjusted and the order is changed. This makes it more difficult to search accurately, especially in different situations with different information needs.
We say thank you to our partner from the Netherlands! We want to celebrate our partnership. That's why we're giving away a sporty white Volla Phone 22, our flagship model with 48 MP camera, 8-core processor and 128 GB internal memory, of course with removable battery, dual SIM plus memory card with up to half a terabyte capacity, among Startpage users.
And here's how to take part. Send us the answer to the following question to by 28.02.2024.
In what country was Startpage founded?
All citizens of the European Union and the countries of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Great Britain who have reached the age of 18 can take part. Employees and relatives of employees of Hallo Welt Systeme UG cannot take part. Legal recourse is excluded.
The Volla team wishes you good luck!
Tags: Volla Phone 22,Volla OS,Ubuntu Touch,Startpage,Competition